Jumat, 17 April 2009



Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

As My Friend Says about Friendship

A friend gives hope when life is low,
a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
a friend is honest, a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is you.

A good friend is like a bra.
he is tight, careful, holds u from falling
and always close to ur heart.

If kisses were water, I will give you the sea.
If hugs were leaves, I will give you a tree.
If you love a planet, I will give you a galaxy.
If friendship is lif,e I will give you mine.

One day Love asked Friendship
"Are you in the world when i am here?"
Friendship smiled and said
"I am there to spread smiles where you leave tears"

Love & Friend are walking in village.
Love falls into a well, why?
Because love is blind.
Friend also jumps inside?
Friend will do anything for Love.

The times we shared is like shooting star...
the time is short but really beautiful moments....
Forever engraved in our hearts....
Friends forever~!!!

I have open n emotional bank account in my heart.
Plz deposit ur FRIENDSHIP in it.
I make u sure that U will receive interest as long as I am live.

* If I get ur Smile, I don't need Flowers,
If I get ur Voice, I don't need Music,
If U speak to me, I don't need anybody else,
U just b my Friend, I dont need the world!

A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart
and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it.

A good Friend is like a computer
he ENTERS in your life
SAVE himself in your heart,
FORMATS all your troubles
and never DELETE you from his heart.

* If you need a friend
and there are a hundred steps between us,
you can take the 1st step to get near me
and I will take all 99 steps to be there for you.

My friend's Inspirational

Suatu hari nanti

kau akan melihat bahwa

pada akhirnya semuanya akan terwujud

Apa yang selalu kau harapkan

akhirnya menjadi kenyataan

Kau akan melihat ke belakang

dan menertawakan apa yang telah terjadi

dan kau akan bertanya pada dirimu sendiri

“Bagaimana aku bisa melewati semuanya itu?”


pernah biarkan harapan itu pergi


pernah berhenti bermimpi


jangan biarkan cinta meninggalkan hidupmu

- Jancarl Campi-

Our Motivation

Kau memiliki kemampuan untuk mendapatkan apa pun yang kau cari;

dalam dirimu ada setiap potensi yang dapat kau bayangkan.

Selalu cita-citakan yang lebih tinggi dari yang kau yakin bahwa kau bisa meraihnya.

Sering sekali, kau akan menemukan bahwa talenta-talentamu dibebaskan oleh imaginasimu,

maka kau dapat mencapai tujuan apa pun.

jika orang menawarkan bantuan atau kebijaksanaan di sepanjang perjalanan hidupmu,

terimalah dengan senang hati.

Kau dapat belajar banyak dari orang-orang yang telah mengalaminya sebelum dirimu.

Jangan pernah takut atau ragu untuk melangkah keluar dari jalan yang banyak dilewati orang

dan melangkah dalam arahmu sendiri, jika hatimu mengatakan padamu

bahwa itu adalah jalan yang benar untukmu.

Selalu percaya bahwa akhirnya kau akan berhasil dalam apa pun yang kau lakukan,

dan jangan pernah melupakan nilai kegigihan, disiplin, dan tekad.

Kau pantas mendapatkan apa pun yang kau impikan.

Edmund O’Neill

Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

What Did They Say ?

What Did They Say ?

Dolores Ibarruri : ” It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!”
Virginia Woolf : “The eyes of others are our prisons: their thoughts are our cages”
Texas Guinan : “Success has killed more men than bullets”
Eleanor Roosevelt : “ No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Mae West : “Between two evils, I always pick the one I’ve never tried before.” Also: “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful”
Dodie Smith: “Nobel deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression”
Adele Davis : “Thousands upon thousands of person have studied disease; almost no one has studied health”
Mother Teresa: “Our work brings people face to face with love”

Taken from The new Cambridge English Course P.2 page

Senin, 23 Februari 2009



In ninth grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who went with you to
that “cool” party thrown by a senior so you wouldn’t wind up being the only freshman there.

In tenth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who changed their schedule so you would have someone to sit with at lunch.
In eleventh grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who gave you rides in their new car.,
convinced your parents that you shouldn’t be grounded consoled you
when you broke up with your significant other and found you a date to the prom

In the twelfth grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who helped you pick out a college,
assured you that you would get into that college,
help you deal with your parents who were having a hard time adjusting to the idea of letting you go.

At graduation your idea of good friend was the person who was crying on the side but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated you

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009


In sixth grade your idea of a friend
was the person who went up to your new crush,
and asked them to dance with you,
so that if they said no you wouldn’t have to be embarrassed.

In seventh grade your idea of a friend was
The person who let you copy the social studies homework
From the night before that you had forgotten about.

In eight grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who helped you pack up your
stuffed animals and old baseball cards so that your room would be a “high schooler’s” room but didn’t laugh at you when you finished and broke out into tear.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009



In the second grade your idea of a good
was the person who helped you stand up to the class bully.

In the third grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who shared their lunch
with you when you forgot yours on the bus.

In the fourth grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who was willing to switch square dancing
stuck with the dork of the class

In the fifth grade your idea of a friend
was the person who saved a seat
on the back of the bus for you.



In kindergarten your idea of a good friend
was the person who let you have the red crayon
when all that was left was the ugly black one.

In the first grade your idea of a good friend
was the person who went to the bathroom with you
and held your hand as you walked through the scary halls.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Wise Words

Motivator Words

Kegagalan, hanyalah sebuah tikungan tajam yang menuntut ”kendaraan” usaha, sedikit mengurangi kecepatan, lalu di depan, begitu melihat ”jalan mulus peluang”, Anda bisa menebusnya dengan kecepatan yang lebih tinggi.

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009



A simple friend has never seen you cry .
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend know that it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight

A simple friend doesn’t know your parents’ names
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problem.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history
A real friend could blackmail you with it .

A simple friend, when visiting , acts like a guest.
A real friend open your refrigerator and helps himself.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friends expects to always be there for you.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Enlightment Words

Wise Man Says

(Rabindranath Tagore)

What does it mean by love ?


How To Get A Real Friend


Betapapun aku mendengar dan melihat
Hingga telinga dan mataku memerah
Aku tetap tidak peduli karena kepalaku dingin
Dan hatiku bersih.

Betapapun derasnya arus disekelilingku
Hingga jutaan orang karam dan hanyut
Aku tetap tak tergoyahkan
Karena tempat ku berpijak kokoh tak tertandingi

Biarkan mereka disini aku terus berjuang
Bersenandung dan berdoa bersama kerabat sehati
Hingga berakhir masa

Rabu, 04 Februari 2009



As a human being you have the choice of three basic attitudes toward life. You may approach life with the philosophy of vegetables , in which case your life will consist of being born, eating , drinking, sleeping, maturing, mating, growing old and dying. Human vegetables live a calm life and are undisturbed by the problem of this world. They require neither books nor learning, since vegetation is the beginning and the end of their lives. As they never read books we need not disturb their placid existences by useless instruction on the art of living.

The second basic attitude is to look at life as if it is a business. A great many successful men and women believe that life is a business, and they arrange their behavior accordingly. If you believe that life is a business your first question of life is “What can I get out of it ? “, and your first reaction to any new experience is “How much did it cost me ?”. In the world based on this attitude, happiness becomes a matter off successful survives. Life becomes a matter of aggressive attack and successful defence. Our skyscrapers, our super-motorcars, our giant supermarkets are all the result of personal competition. But so are oppression, war, class conflict, and the exploitation of smaller nations by their more powerful neighbors. We easily overlook the terrific cost of the competitive system to individual and to nation. The competitive system breeds crime, poverty and insanity, the costs of which weigh heavily on victor and victim alike

The third attitude toward life is the approach of the artist. Here the underlying philosophy is “What can I put into it? And the basic relation of individual to his fellowmen is that of cooperation and respect . If we look at history as a test of the quality of this attitude, we find that it remembers best those who have contributed most richly to the welfare of their fellow-men. When we examine the lives of these contributors we find that they were never self –seeking people. The more we investigate and the more we learn about living the more we become convinced that the artistic attitude is the only one consistent with human happiness.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009



It is surprising how often good sense and good luck go hand in hand.

There is no short cut in success.

There’s no future in any job, the future lies in the man who holds the job.

There is nothing worse than a quitter, except the man.

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.

The obstacles of life are intended to make us better not bitter.

The pen is the tongue of the mind.

The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.

The trouble with average man is that he seldom increases his average.

The turtle never makes any progress until he sticks his neck out .

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good works today.

The quickest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.

Minds are like parachutes : they function best when open.

Well-arranged time is the surest mark of a well-arranged mind.

Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Life is an eternal struggle where know how is good, know when is better, know whom is

Luck is what happens when preparation meet s opportunity.

Ability is a good thing, but stability is even better

A man achieves according to what he believes

A new broom sweeps clean but the old one knows where the dirt is.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

The Uncle RIP Writing

When i found a special english word book published by VOA at the end of the page I found my uncle writing. It's my uncle book. He has passed away.
Here are his writing.

"Human fate is the result of human confusion"
"Nasib seseorang itu hakekatnya adalah sekedar akibat dari kebingunganya sendiri "

Marah dan sedih hanyalah membuang-buang energi belaka maka hindarilah kedua rasa itu 30/04/86

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Man Can't Be Seen By His Dress

One day Nasreddin went to a big dinner. He was wearing old clothes, and when he came in, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat at a table. So Nasreddin went home, put on his best clothes, and then went back to the party. The host at once got up and came to meet him. He took him to the best table, gave him a good seat, and offered him the best dishes.
Nasreddin put his coat in the food and said,”Eat, coat!”
The guests were very surprised and said,”What are you doing?”
Nasreddin answered, ‘ I was inviting my coat to eat. When I was wearing my old clothes, nobody looked at me or offered me food or drink. Then I went home and came back in these clothes, and you gave me the best food and drink. So you gave me these things for my clothes, not for myself.”

taken: elementary story by Hill

Jumat, 23 Januari 2009


Earl Nightingale:
"Seseorang akan selalu muda seperti impian yang dibangunnya, atau setua keraguan yang menguasainya.
Biarlah setiap tujuan menjadi peristirahatan sementara dalam perjalanan menuju tujuan yang lebih besar dan lebih berarti"

page 54 Mark Douglas " menuju Puncak Prestasi

Tidak ada hidup yang mempunyai arti bila tidak ditujukan, diabadikan dan diatur dengan baik page 56

Andrew Carnegie:" Tidak seorangpun manusia menjadi kaya kecuali bila ia juga memperkaya orang lain Tujuan anda harus dapat diabadikan bagi pelayanan kepada orang lain " page 63

Goethe : " Berikan kepada saya hal-hal yang baik dari keyakinan anda bila anda memilikinya . Tetapi simpanlah keraguan untuk diri anda sendiri karena sudah banyak keraguan yang saya miliki. - Janganlah menyebarkan keraguan tetapi kuasailah keraguan. Orang bijak tidak pernah memelihara dan mengembangbiakan keraguan " " page 118 -119




taken from Mack.R. Douglas " Menuju Puncak Prestasi", 1990 page 126


This is an article about how to find a best friend, what are the best friends,and Who are the best friends. When i found this article from "hello" magazine edition february 1996 among english magazines I thought it's the best article. I hope it will help us to find someone who you want to look for. And so this article reminds me that i had a friend, he was my best friend but he's "passed away". I haven't got a friend like him any more. And I'll always try to find a best friend for my life. Here is the article for you, readers...


A friend of mine was angry when i sad that he was my ex-best friend. In his letter to me, he said ,"We are always, best friend, although we have not seen each other for more than five years. "There are no ex-best friend. Best friends are forever. Nothing can stop it or change it , he concluded. It is a relationship for a life time Best friend are friend for live those who have one , have a lot.
I was touched while reading my friend's letter. We no longer share news and information about ourselves through letters for long. Nevertheless, deep in our heart, we still fell the warmth of our friendship. Every now and then, I pray for him after my regular players. When waking up in the morning, I sometimes remember how nice our relationship was. We used to be together -sharing feeling, stories and jokes, helping each other , and so forth-but no any longer. I often recall the wonderful memories of when we were still together, not to say that i am a sentimental guy. He admitted himself that he would not forget our friendship. In Friendship, love is involved. In L'Amitie est I'Amoursans Ailes, Lord Byron Write, "Friendship is love without the his wings."
I don't think that our friendship was perfect. Like any other human relationship, we sometimes quarreled. Or we debated fiercely about something unimportant like who were the leading stars of Gone With The Wind. Were they Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable or Elizabeth Taylor and Clark Gable? But one thing is sure, we didn't separate because of trivial things. our friendship so unforgettable.
Selecting friends is important. .A proverb says, "Tell me the company you keep and i'll tell you who you are." Those who tend to do bad thing should be avoided, In that they will only give you trouble. "Best friends "usually occur to people with the same interest. A thief gets on well with a thief. A painter fits in other painters An author is suitable for another author. But there are many proof that friendship happens also to people with different back grounds and interest. The movie Langitku Rumahku depicts two children can be best friend although they are from very different societies. The Cure-starring Brad Renfro-also depicts two children making their own adventurous journey to find the cure for Aid. Who are best friend? The following are only some-not all-points witch make them our best friends.

1. They criticize us in private, and defend us in public

I was furious when one of my best friend criticized me. I thought he was not my friends because he hurt my feeling. But then, when the incident stopped hurting. I realized that he told me the truth. And I was grateful that he told me in private so that I was not embarrassed. Real friend will tell the truth even trough it will hurt, Their intention is that we don't make the mistakes in public. It is their way to defend us. For those who embrace Islam, the friendship between the Islamic prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakar is well know. Abu Bakar is know for his defending Muhammad in public for he absolutely trusted Muhammad. As well, best friend don't need to be those who always agree with our opinion. They can be against our opinion, but they still give us admiration for we are independent people.

2. They are happy with our success, and sad with our failure.

Real friends are those who earnestly congratulate us first on our success They don't envy our happiness, they can be happy together with us. Additionally, they don't leave us when we are sad. And there is no burden to have them for best friend.

3. They encourage us when we fail.

Best friend don't leave us when we fail. They are the first to cheer us up. They are sad if we are sad. And they don't want us to fail. They want our success as if we were themselves. If they know what to do they will help us. And they will look for any way to do it.

4. They send other friend to pay us attention when we are feeling down.

When we are depressed and lock ourselves in our room, real friends would like to know why. If we want to be alone, they will send other friends to give more attention.

5. They are not reluctant to tell their personal problems.

Real friends confide in us. They share secrets, trivial or important. They like to tell us their personal problems. They do this not because they want us to solve their problems, sometimes only to make us know that they have the problems. It's a matter of sharing. You tell them your problem, and they theirs. However simple its seems. It is one ways to decrease depression.

6. They write us from the other part of the world that they are having a good time.

When my sister ate the jelly cake, she said, "Eating this remind me of Denny, my Nephew. He likes jelly the best. "Real friend will surely remember us when they are part of the world, or in another city, when they are going through a fabulous time, enjoying themselves. Sometime, they send us letter or card to tell us that they are happy.

7. They are kind without being fussy.

In short. real friends understand you. They are nice, good to you, but they don't have to be involved in your personal problem. they just want to be good to you and understand you. This they do by not asking quickly about details if you are telling them your problem. They will let you either tell it all or tell it partly. It doesn't matter much to them. They will basically be happy if you get relieved after telling.

8. They can keep secrets.

Real friend don't tell our secrets to others. They are people we can talk to, and they don't break this confidence. They are always there for us when we need someone. And they keep what we have talked to them for themselves. Sometimes this quality belong to someone we don't get on very well. Maybe, once we talk about something to them, and they won't tell anybody about it. This type is potential of being our confidant, or our best friend later. that is why, in letters to His Son, Lord Chesterfield exclaim, "After their friendship there is nothing so dangerous as to have them for enemies."

9. They are attentive without being possessive.

Your mother, father, brothers, sisters, aunt, uncle, neighbors or else can be your real friends. But not very real friend is your mother. The point is real friends are always attentive to you, but, they don't have your life under their control. They only want to know what you are doing, and then they let you do it the way you like it. they care about you, but they don't try to master over you.

10. They are concerned without being paternalistic.

Helping is not easy to do. If you really want to help someone, it doesn't mean you do what he should do. The best help doesn’t make the helped have nothing else to do. The best help will make the helped able to help themselves. Our real friend are not those who finish all of our problem. Neither, are they the people who get things done for us. Real friends are willing to help us, but they don't want to control us. In other words, they will give us the alternatives, and let us accomplish the rest.

11. They are always available to us.

When I was unemployed, one of my friend from another town sent me information about some companies looking for employees for a number of vacant positions. Holding his latter, I was touched. Wherever they live, best friends are available to us. Robert Louis Stevenson tells about a friendship between two guys of the opposite background. David Balfour and Alan Kidnapped. Thought their countries are at fierce war, they get on well with each other.

I once read a story about two people who were best friends although they never saw each other. they only had the felling that they were tied with a warm friendship. And this was not because of some worldly things. They became best friends because they believed in God, the same God. And they made their friendship a way of worshiping Him. Could they be called best friend? They were not close physically, but spiritually they were on the same path to reach God The Almighty. I think this is the truest friendship ever for friendship was not the end, but only a mean to reach something more valuable.

The problem with having best friends is: how do you become one?

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009


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